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Voting in GnosisDAO is a vital way to influence the future direction of the Gnosis ecosystem. To participate in voting, you need to hold GNO tokens, as voting power is weighted based on the number of tokens you own. Voting occurs through the Snapshot platform, where proposals are presented for a formal vote. To cast your vote, simply connect your wallet to Snapshot, review the proposals, and select your preferred option ('For', 'Against', or 'Abstain').

The GnosisDAO’s Snapshot configurations are only compatible with simple voting ('For', 'Against', or 'Abstain'). Ranked choice or weighted voting is not compatible with the GnosisDAO’s Snapshot space. A GIP only passes if at least 75K GNO are cast as 'For' votes. If the majority of GNO used in voting indicate 'Against' or 'Abstain', the proposal is considered closed and not accepted. In the event that the majority of votes are ‘For’ but the 75K GNO threshold is not met, the proposal fails quorum and does not pass. ‘Abstain’ votes are not counted towards quorum.

Participating in the voting process allows you to directly contribute to key decisions, ensuring that the Gnosis ecosystem evolves in a way that aligns with the community's values and goals.